The day before, I felt down, because my best-friend (but also my spiritual-advisor) cannot come to my event. Sniff.. sniff... but it's okay, I must be stronge~!! p(n_n)q I came late, beacuse something has happened between me and Roni... hey hey, don't think anything strange!! >.< Yep, I got number 1, but because I came late, the comitee rolled me to the middle number... haha! thanks, God~! And thanks to Roni for made me late... :flirt: hehe...
Cosplayed as Esther Blanchet from Trinity Blood, almost all eyes looked at me. "Hey, look! it's nurse! but why she bring gun?" -_-' wewew... Many people don't know from what anime I cosplayed, and many people asked me, why I brought gun everywhere. My digi-cam had error for a while, and I'm so pleased... but thanks God, my friends from high school come and cheer me up, also accompany me to bought new battery from supermarket. Roni couldn't with me until the shows end, because he had to work. Snif... snif.... :tear: But he was responsible enough. He don't want to left me before I got my friends gathered and guard me... T-T whatta kind man...
When the comittee called me, I was sooooo nervous until I ran ran ran around the stage. Almost all committe laughed at me, included the other cosplayer... >.< At stage, I was nervous too. I just did what was I knew about Esther, and I don't have any second to think!! AAAARRGGHHHH~!! ALLL WAS SHATTERED~!! xD COSUKI yelled at me lot... dunno what they mean... -_-? AaaaHHHHhhHHhhh~!!!
Lot of photoshoot and laughing, very cheer me up! Thanks for all friends and lover who take care of me on this event. I GOT 2ND PRIZE FOR CRAZY ACT ON STAGE~!! I have fun and added great experience here... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOW!! I'LL COME ON NEXT YEAR, WITH NEW COSTUME TOO~!! NEXT COSTUME? WHAT IS IT?!! IT'S STILL SECREEEETTTTTTT~!!! OPTION FOR NEW COSTUME : EMPRESS AUGUSTA VRADICA (Trinity Blood), SAKURA KINOMOTO (Card captor Sakura), NEJI (Naruto), PANZER MAGIER-ROZEN KREUZ ORDEN (Trinity Blood), RUBY MOON (card captor Sakura), SOI FONG (Bleach) haha~
++++++++++++ jadi tahu rasanya punya fans... jalan kesana, diajak poto. jalan kesini, diajak poto lagi... hwakakak... lari kesana, potograper nggrumbul. ke kamar mandi, disenyumi n disapa orang... gyahaha~ aaahhh~ asal gak poto aku pas njait-njait di kamar mandi ajah... >.< kostumnya sempet rusak di komponen bagian dalemnya... untung bisa diperbaiki. fans terbesarku, seorang ibu-ibu chinese cantik yang berkali-kali minta anaknya potoin aku pas bareng ibu itu... gyahaha~ untung pas itu pistolnya nggak kuarahkan ke beliau ya ne~ ++++++++++++